Monday, December 18, 2017

Growing the Feathery Cypress vine,गणेशवेल

This plant is an annual and a very easy to grow plant.Infact one of the most beautiful and easiest annual to grow in pots.

Most importantly it will produce hundreds of flowers and each flower pod will produce 4 seeds.So you will be rewarded with hundreds of seeds for next season.

Scientific Name : Ipomoea quamoclit
Family : Convolvulaceae (morning glory family)
Common Names : Cypress Vine, Star Glory, Hummingbird Vine

Sunlight exposure : Partial Shade,Full Sun.
Water Needs : Medium,Can tolerate more.
Bloom Time : Seasonal, July - November.

This vine grows very fast and aggressively, producing bright red star shaped flowers.Another attraction of this plant is its foliage.Its leaves are extremely soft and feather like which looks attractive.Hence many people also grow it for its attractive foliage in shaded area.Its quite hardy plant and maintenance free.

Soil: Cypress vine grows well in any soil type.

Planter: This plant requires medium planter,at least 12" or 18". It can also be grow in small size planters but a bigger planter will help it grow much bigger and produce more blooms.

Fertilizer: Cypress vine will be more than happy just with regular compost or cow manure.No need to get stressed about fertilizing it with different fancy fertilizers.Simple compost will do the trick.

Water & Sunlight: Cypress vine requires full sunlight for more blooms but will also grow well in partial shade.If grown in partial shade it will produce less blooms.It hates full shade.Give it plenty of water.

Pests:It is extremely resistant to pests and rarely bothered by pests.

Propogation:The best way to propagate Cypress vine is from seeds.It grows very easily from seeds.

Growing Cypress vine:

  • It is easy to grow this beautiful plant, making it a favorite with the gardeners. 
  • The plant is grown from seeds and grows fast.
  • It's leaves are feather like and very delicate.
  • This plant starts flowering after about 50 days after sowing seeds and will produce countless blooms.
  • Cypress vine is grown in summer and will bloom till about start of winter.Plant will die back in winter.
  • Beautiful star shaped red flowers bloom till October.
  • The flowers usually close by afternoon and wither by the end of the day.
  • Once the bloomed flower drops,don't cut the flower pods.
  • These pods will dry out completely at the end of the season i.e in winter and each pod will produce 4 seeds.
  • Water these plants enough so as to keep the soil always moist.
  • This plant is almost pest free.
Grow this red beauty and it will give a stunning look to your balcony.

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